Convicted terrorist sympathizer Lynne Stewart will speak at San Francisco State University. “Why can’t we get anyone but criminals to come here to SFSU and speak?” Maybe non-criminals don't have the 'street cred' to tell it like it is, man.
Posted by Apiarist at May 2, 2005 02:19 PM | TrackBackWhat do you have to do to get a good college education? It has always been my belief that there should always be room for political discussion, even terribly misguided discussion. I love driving around UC Davis and reading the ridiculous bumper stickers with my son. Most of the worst ones are on the professors cars. I make it a point to explain what they think is going on, and then explain the facts of what is really going on.
If they want to bring a nut-job like Churchill or Lynne Stewart to speak on one day, why don't they bring in Bill Bennett or Alan Keyes on the next day?
I thought that higher learning was all about a diversity of views, I guess not.